Yeah!! The Cardinals are singing, and I saw a robin in my backyard last week.

Readings for Sunday 5th March, Lent 2
First reading: Genesis 12.1-4a
Psalm 121
Second reading: Romans 4.1-5, 13-17
Gospel: John 3.1-17

Psalm 121 response: “The most holy One watches over you”

Here is the link for Sunday’s service:

Covid precautions
There is no longer a mask mandate for St. Jude’s, but wearing a mask is always your personal
choice. However, if you are not feeling well, have a cough, sore throat, runny nose, etc., please
do not attend any event at St. Jude’s.

Office hours
The office is open from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, Monday to Friday.


Outreach for March
Socks Share: Gathering new socks and underwear for all ages. Suggestion for socks is those
with some wool that last longer than white cotton. Donations will be blessed during our
Maundy Thursday service where we wash one another’s feet. The socks will be shared with
Unity Project, St. Joseph’s House with CCLC and My Sisters Place.
With sincere thanks from the Outreach committee for your continued support.

Fundscrip. Rick will be taking your card orders until the afternoon of this Sunday, 5th
March, at his home on Daleview. These cards are an easy and convenient way of giving the church
extra support as you use them for the every day things you must buy. They make great gifts too!

St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 12th March. They will appreciate Cereals, Spaghetti
Sauce & Pasta noodles , Mac & Cheese , canned Meat , canned soup , tea bags or coffee, peanut
butter or jam , toilet paper…

Breakfast Program
The breakfast team has served 276 take away breakfast since the beginning of January and will
prep to serve 75 this coming Saturday. Later this month, we are hoping to open All Saints Hall
to provide an eat-in option for those wanting to spend time visiting with friends inside. To do
this well, we need additional volunteers for Saturday mornings from 8 – 11:30 am, and for prep
on Friday afternoons. Our next breakfast is this Saturday 4th March, from 9 – 10.30 am. Come and see your generosity at work!

Turkey-Syria Earthquake appeal
The PWRDF is appealing for donations to help the rescue or recovery efforts in those stricken
countries. Please go to their website at and click on “News” to find how to

Learning Together

Lenten Study
During the season of Lent we typically offer a faith formation program, but Fr. Bill is
recommending we join, via Zoom, London Deanery’s study, focusing on a book by Amy-Jill
Levine called “Entering the Passion of Jesus; A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week.”
Fr. Bill has copies of the book available for purchase at a cost of $25. If you would like one,
please email Fr. Bill at [email protected] , or speak to him on Sunday.
The series runs from 7.30 to 8.30 pm, every Monday, and began on 27th February. It will
conclude on April 2nd with a session with the author of the book. Call 519-471-1430 or go to
mailto:[email protected] to register.

Let’s Celebrate

Happy Birthday!! This week to Doug F.(March 3rd). Hope you celebrate well!!

Social Activities

Men of St. Jude! will be meeting at the Alibi Roadhouse for lunch Monday March 13th
at 11:30 AM. All St. Jude’s men are invited and welcome.

ACW Our monthly meeting is on Wednesday March 8th. Bring a bag lunch downstairs to the
St. Martha Room at noon, where tea and fellowship are always provided.
The meeting will start at 12:45 pm, when we will be reviewing upcoming activities.
All Anglican Women are welcome.

Easter bonnets
Our theological student, Hayden, has suggested that we might try a tradition that he enjoyed at
his home parish, that of having an Easter bonnet parade on Easter Sunday. Derek Shadlock and
Dennis Johns reminded us that we did in fact do that in previous years, so why not again this
year? So that is an invitation (and challenge) to all parish members (male and female) to
prepare their special bonnet for that day so we can all enjoy the fun, led, no doubt, by Dennis!

Springtime is coming soon, and the clocks will change, not this weekend but next, when your
clocks go forward one hour on 12th March.

Tip for today: Once you lick the frosting off a cupcake it becomes a muffin. Muffins are
healthy, so enjoy!