Readings for Sunday 19th March, Lent 4
First reading: 1 Samuel 16.1-13
Psalm 23
Second reading: Ephesians 5.8-14
Gospel: John 9.1-41
Psalm 23 response: “Oh God you are my shepherd, I shall not be in want”
Here is the link for Sunday’s service:
Office hours:
The office is open from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Covid precautions
There is no longer a mask mandate for St. Jude’s, but wearing a mask is always your personal
choice. However, if you are not feeling well, have a cough, sore throat, runny nose, etc., please
do not attend any event at St. Jude’s.
Rest in Peace
Shirley Shaw, a long time member of St. Jude’s, died suddenly on Saturday 11th March. Shirley
had been unable to come to church for some years, but she, with her late husband Jake, were
regular attenders at the 10.00 am service on Sundays, and at many parish events, where they
were always glad company. The funeral service and celebration of life will be here at the church
at 11.00 am on Monday 20th March, preceded by a brief Visitation at 10.00 am. A reception
will follow the service. Please pray for the repose of her soul and for her family and friends as they grieve this sad loss.
Learning Together
Lenten Study
During the season of Lent Fr. Bill is recommending we join, via Zoom, London Deanery’s
study, focusing on a book by Amy-Jill Levine called “Entering the Passion of Jesus; A
Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week.”
The series is running now, from 7.30 to 8.30 pm, every Monday. It will conclude on April 2nd
with a session with the author of the book. Call 519-471-1430 or go to
mailto:[email protected] to register.
Stations of the Cross
On alternating Fridays this Lent, our student Hayden Fischer will be leading a devotional known
as Stations of the Cross. Dates and times are, Friday March 24th , 10.00 am in the Sanctuary
and Friday April 7th, following the Good Friday Service, in the Sanctuary. Join us as we reflect
on Jesus’ journey to the Cross.
Outreach for March.
Socks Share: Gathering new socks and underwear for all ages. Suggestion for socks is those
with some wool that last longer than white cotton. Donations will be blessed during our
Maundy Thursday service where we wash one another’s feet. The socks will be shared with
Unity Project, St. Joseph’s House with CCLC, and My Sister’s Place.
With sincere thanks from the Outreach Committee for your continued support.
Breakfast Program
For the first time in three years, we will welcome friends to eat breakfast in-house this Saturday.
Some folks will be more comfortable taking their breakfast home, and we shall continue to offer
that option as well. Anyone interested in assisting with set up and serving breakfast should contact the office at 519-660-6198. Your continued support with footwear, warm clothing and toiletries is really needed and very much appreciated – thank you! Our next breakfast is this Saturday March 18th from 9 to
10:30 am. Join us in wearing the green as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day ?
St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 9th April.
Turkey-Syria Earthquake appeal
The PWRDF is appealing for donations to help the rescue or recovery efforts in those stricken
countries. Please go to their website at and click on “News.”
Trivia Night!!
What television series had Dr. Sam Beckett leaping from body to body after a technical mishap?
After a Covid hiatus, once again folks can show off their vast knowledge of insignificant facts!
Set aside Saturday, April 15th for an evening of fun and frivolity. The entry fee is $20.00,
with a student rate of $10.00, that will be collected at the door. Contact the office at 519-660-6198 to enter your team of six, or indicate that you wish to be part of a team. A cash bar will be in place to help individuals improve their recall. Snacks, including vegetable trays, coffee and tea. will also be on hand. Doors open at 6:30pm for a 7:00 pm start in All Saints’ Hall.
Kiwanis Festival is returning to St. Jude’s!
The Kiwanis festival will be holding classes at St. Jude from Tuesday, April 11th to Wednesday,
April 26th, and they are looking for volunteers to act as hall managers. The hall manager sets up
the Kiwanis signs, welcomes the participants, introduces the adjudicator, and announces the
classes. Sometimes they also collect fees for audience members at the entrance. This is a fun
volunteer opportunity as it also involves getting to listen to all of the wonderful performances
students have prepared for the festival. If you are interested in helping out please contact Kim
Eyre for more information: [email protected] .
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday!! This week to Bob M. (March 13th), Robin G. (15th), Barry B.
(17th), and Derek S. (18th). Hope you all celebrated/celebrate well!!
Easter Bonnets; how’s your bonnet coming along?
Our theological student, Hayden, has suggested that we might try a tradition that he enjoyed at
his home parish, that of having an Easter bonnet parade on Easter Sunday. Derek Shadlock and
Dennis Johns reminded us that we did in fact do that in previous years, so why not again this
year? So that is an invitation (and challenge) to all parish members (male and female) to
prepare their special bonnet for that day so we can all enjoy the fun, led, no doubt, by Dennis!
Trivia answer: Quantum Leap.