Readings for Sunday 4th June, Trinity Sunday
First reading: Genesis 1.1-2,4a
Psalm 8
Second reading:2 Corinthians 13.11-13
Gospel: Matthew 28.16-20
Response for Psalm 8: “O God our governor, how exalted is you name in all the world”
Link for Sunday 4th June 10.00 am service:
The church office is open Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Prayer lists. Parish members are invited to have the name of a person upheld in prayer during
Sunday services Intercessions (Prayers of the People) by simply entering the name in the black
prayer request book located in the Narthex. Those unable to attend to this can call the office
and ask that Kathy enter the name in the book on your behalf.
For names of those that are to be forwarded to the Prayer team for ongoing and regular prayer
needs please contact the office at 519-660-6198 or email at [email protected]
Summer Snack Program. Our Outreach Committee is once again joining with other churches
to sponsor the Summer Snack Program for children attending day camps in the Northeast.
Needed are volunteers for Monday mornings in the summer from 7:30 to 9:30 am. The work is
to pick up the pre-ordered groceries at the Superstore on Oxford at Gamage, deliver them to
Northbrae School on Belford, help pack the snacks for the week, and then drop off the snacks to
the camp(s). If you could help with this once or twice through July and August, please contact the office.
Breakfast Program.
We have much to be thankful for this week. We are able to provide a cool space for friends who
join us for breakfast during this hot weather. We can provide help for the new people coming to
each breakfast – newcomers to Canada, students, young families, and seniors. We have new
volunteers to share the work with those who have worked tirelessly over the past few years. And
St. John the Evangelist Outreach Committee are donating $1800.00 to recognize our support of
their evening meal program through the years and the service our program brings to the
community. As always, we give thanks for the ongoing prayers and support of the St. Jude’s
parish family that are essential to this vital outreach ministry.
Our next breakfast is this Saturday June 3rd from 9 – 10:30 am. All are welcome!
St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is next Sunday, 11th June. Please note that they have asked us not
to send any more egg cartons or plastic containers. Otherwise they will appreciate Cereals,
Spaghetti Sauce & Pasta noodles, Mac & Cheese, Canned Meat, Canned Soup, Tea Bags or
Coffee, Peanut Butter or Jam, Toilet Paper.
Yard Sale!! The St. Jude’s Yard Sale will be next Saturday June 10th, from 8:00am to
12:00pm. Everyone sets up their own tables, and removes all their unsold items. Proceeds of
your sales are split 50/50 with the church. To reserve a table, call the office 519-660-6198.
On Saturday June 24th there will be a Strawberry Social at St Jude’s, a served lunch with
strawberry desserts. The cost will be $25.00 per person, those 12 and under $10.00. More
details to follow and tickets are now available.
We are also planning a garden sale of plants – indoor and outdoor, and a few garden-themed
items, and will be grateful for donations of some of your cuttings, etc.
FundScrip Rick will take your card orders until the afternoon of Sunday 4th June.
Other Events
Because of the damage caused by fence repairs on the West side of our property, we shall be
needing rhubarb for our next pie making event. Donations of any you can spare will be
gratefully received (if you could cut the stalks into approx. 1″ pieces that will be most helpful).
Date of pie making will follow. Next gathering is June 14th, for our Spring luncheon.
National Indigenous People’s Day, a special weekend at St. Aidan’s Church on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, 16th to 18thJune. Author and activist Patty Krawek will be keynote
speaker, and will read from her book “Becoming Kin; a time for Unforgetting”. See the poster
in the Narthex for full details.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday to Victoria S (29th May) and Dale M (1st. June). Hope you had/have
happy days!!
Happy Anniversary! To Mary Anne and Ray C, who have been an item for many years
and celebrated another anniversary on 30th May! Congratulations!!
Covid precautions
While there is no longer a mask mandate for St. Jude’s, wearing a mask is always your personal
choice. However, if you are not feeling well, have a cough, sore throat, runny nose, etc., please
do not attend any event at St. Jude’s.