Readings for Sunday 18th June, Pentecost 3
First reading: Genesis 18.1-15
Psalm 100
Second reading: Romans 5.1-8
Gospel: Matthew 9.35 – 10.8
Response for Psalm 100: “The mercy of the most high is everlasting”
Link for Sunday 18th June 10.00 am service:
Summer services.
Begin Sunday 25th June, when we switch to just one service of Holy Eucharist at 9.30 am
each week. This will run until September.
The service on 25th June is an extra special one because we shall be having baptisms, which
hasn’t happened for a while, so get up a little earlier and plan on attending this very special
The church office is open Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Outreach Ministry of the Month for June Helping men in our community. This month we
support two organizations that work with men in crisis and struggling with mental health and
addiction issues.
Mission Services provides food, emergency shelter, clothing, crisis intervention and
rehabilitation programs.
The Unity Project works to stabilize people in their moment of crisis and to engage them in their
own process toward lasting stability utilizing all available community resources. They work with
clients and other agencies to combat homelessness through finding housing with wrap around
Needed: toiletries, razors, underwear, socks, wallets, bus tickets, t-shirts, small backpacks, and
coffee mugs. Donations can be placed in the box in the Narthex – thank you.
Breakfast Program
The team will prep for 80 breakfasts this week. This means boiling, shelling, and bagging 160
hard boiled eggs and cooking another 72 for the egg, beef and cheese breakfast wraps. The
wraps will be put together and cooled in the fridge overnight Friday, ready to be cooked in the
convection oven first thing Saturday morning. A couple of volunteers will get the tables set up
in the hall and arrange the clothing, toiletries, books, and other donated items. The first
volunteer will be in before 8 am on Saturday to turn on the coffee urn and open the door for our
friends who often arrive before the team members. The rest of the team will arrive, and go to
work making porridge, arranging the food line, pouring juice and cooking the wraps. Serving
begins around 9 am as long as the coffee is ready and won’t stop until the doors close at 10:30
am. The team will then clean up, enjoy a coffee and snack together to debrief the morning and
head home by 11:30 am. knowing they made a difference in someone’s life this week. Thank
you for your contributions so St. Jude’s is a safe place where all are welcome.
Our next breakfast is this Saturday. June 17th from 9 – 10:30 am. All are welcome!
Strawberries for St. Jude’s Breakfast Program. It is our tradition to serve fresh
strawberries at our breakfast closest to Canada Day. Financial donations will be appreciated to
help us provide this treat. This year we will be serving breakfast on Canada Day – July 1st.
St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 9th July.
Next Saturday, June 24th, there will be a Strawberry Social at St Jude’s, a served lunch with
strawberry desserts. The cost will be $25.00 per person, those 12 and under will be $10.00.
Tickets are available from the office. We are also planning a garden sale of plants – indoor and
outdoor, and a few garden-themed items, and will be grateful for donations of some of your
cuttings, etc.
FundScrip Remember that the new way we can now order the cards, instead of going to Rick’s
home. Joanne and Dennis Johns will set up a table in the Narthex on the first Sunday of the
month and take your card orders there. The cards will similarly be available in the Narthex
when they arrive. This new and convenient arrangement will begin 2nd July.
Yard Sale!! A big vote of thanks to Derek Shadlock and his crew for organizing and running
the Yard Sale last Saturday, which raised some $480.00 to help the church’s budget!
Save the Dates
National Indigenous People’s Day, a special weekend at St. Aidan’s Church on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, 16th to 18th June. Author and activist Patty Krawek will be keynote
speaker, and will read from her book “Becoming Kin; a time for Unforgetting”. See the poster
in the Narthex for full details.
Indigenous Ministries and LAIC invite you to NATIONAL INDIGENOUS DAY OF
PRAYER, an event in celebration with our Indigenous siblings in Christ!
Join us for a service of worship and culture at H.M. Royal Chapel of the Mohawks, followed by
fellowship and food, on June 25th at 2.00 PM, (301 Mohawk St, Brantford ON).
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday this week to Sharyn U (11th June), Christina (12th), Terry R (13th)
and Sherry W (15th). Hope you all had/have a happy day!!
And, congratulations to Gladys and Tony L, who celebrated their wedding anniversary on
11th June.