Readings for Sunday 23rd July, Pentecost 8
First reading: Genesis 28.10-19a.
Psalm 139.1-5,12-17
Second reading: Romans 8.12-25
Gospel: Matthew 13.24-30,36-43
Response for Psalm 65: “Whenever I walk or rest, you know where I have been”
Live-stream link for the Sunday 23rd July 9.30 am service:
Summer services
We now have one service of Holy Eucharist at 9.30 am each Sunday, until September.
Fr. Bill is taking some vacation time, so we are happy to welcome back Fr. Matt Arguin to
celebrate the Eucharist for us this Sunday.
Outreach for July. This month we are asked to think about the environment, with especial
emphasis on composting (with all the garden benefits it brings) and avoiding use of single
purpose plastic bags.
Breakfast Program
Our predictions last week were pretty accurate – we served 90 breakfasts this past Saturday. Two
new families joined us – one recently arrived from Columbia in March with 2 children and
another family from China with children as well. We are very happy to know that people in the
neighbourhood are coming and will share the news with others in their communities. Please
consider making a donation to our program so that we can continue to offer a nutritious
breakfast to all who come. We are always in need of hygiene supplies for men and women
including shampoos, toilet paper, shaving supplies, deodorants, combs and brushes.
Many thanks to all and please join us any time to see the team in action. Our next breakfast is
July 29th. Please take care, and know that you are appreciated for all the work.
St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is 13th August.
PRIDE PARADE Is this coming Sunday, 23rd
July, and Joanne and Dennis encourage us to join them. Contact the office at 519-660-6198.
The parade starts at noon, so lots of time after the church service.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday this week to Thampi V. (90 on 16th July!), Mae G. (18th), Trish
M.-F. (19th), Ken N. (20th), and Chris C. (21st). Hope you all had/have a happy day!!
And, congratulations to Laura and Doug F., who celebrated their wedding anniversary
on 18th July!
One Last Important Note
Covid (Yes, it’s still around!)
A message from Joanne L.J.:
Effective the week of July 7th 2023, individuals 5 years and older should consider delaying
receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine booster until Fall 2023. Receiving a booster dose in the Fall, as
respiratory season commences, will maximize protection against COVID-19 when peak
circulation of the virus is expected.
The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) also announced their
recommendations for Fall boosters this week, stating that new vaccines may be arriving that will
provide protection against current COVID-19 circulating variants. At that time, we will proceed
with more clinics for more individuals, and it is expected that six months should pass between
the last COVID-19 vaccine dose and/or COVID infection before receiving the Fall booster.
Therefore, it is in everyone’s best interest to hold off until the Fall, no matter what their current
age or health status may be right now.