Readings for Sunday 6th August, Pentecost 10
First reading: Genesis 32.22-31
Psalm 17.1-7,15
Second reading: Romans 9.1-5
Gospel: Matthew 14.13-21
Welcome! and thank you, to Mary Gillard for playing for us as Christina takes a well deserved
Live-stream link for the Sunday 6th August 9.30 am service:
Summer services.
One service of Holy Eucharist at 9.30 am each Sunday, until September.
Breakfast Program
Last Saturday was a quieter day than usual – 70 served on a rainy morning. We are very thankful
to have a couple of high school student volunteers joining us and to see their interest in the
program. This coming holiday weekend we anticipate serving close to 90 friends. There has
been a steady rise in the numbers over the past few years – 2020 – 36; 2021 – 62; 2022 – 83.
Your help is needed so that we can provide toiletries, toilet paper, hygiene products for women
and men, and if your garden is producing more zucchini, tomatoes or other produce than you can
use, we will be happy to find it a home with our guests. Just bring it to the big kitchen on the
Friday afternoon before a breakfast. Thank you! Our next breakfast is this Saturday August 5th
from 9 – 10:30 am. All are welcome!
St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is 13th August.
They always appreciate spaghetti Sauce, canned meat, mac & cheese, peanut butter, cereals,
canned soup, etc.
We can help!
Wildfires in British Columbia have reached historic levels of destruction. Since April, over
1,000 wildfires and three million acres of land have been burned, displacing thousands of
residents, destroying homes, and damaging critical infrastructure. Particularly at risk are the
brave firefighters and service personnel who have put their lives on the line to battle the fires.
For Indigenous Communities in B.C., the rampant forest fires have isolated many residents due
to the closure of highways that are used to enter the region. Limited access to potable water,
food, and gas has created a frightening and unsustainable situation.
We can help in this disastrous situation. Send a donation to the Primate’s Fund (noting the
intention) or to the Red Cross, or through Canada Helps ( ).
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday this week to Jerome F. (3rd August). Hope you have a happy day!!