Readings for Sunday 27th August, Pentecost 13
First reading: Exodus 1.8-2,10
Psalm 124
Second reading: Romans 12.1-8
Gospel: Matthew 16.21-28
Live-stream link for this Sunday 27th August 9.30 am service:
Summer services
Last Sunday it was wonderful to see Fr. Phil back in his official capacity as he celebrated Holy
Eucharist for us (and still preaching without notes!), and also Lucy to lead us in prayer,
something she often did during his tenure. Thanks also to Mary Gillard for playing the music for
This week Bryan will lead us in Morning Prayer, and Fr. Bill will return on 3rd
September. We shall return to two services, 8.30 and 10.00 am, on Sunday 10th September.
A message from Cindy W.
On behalf of our family, I would like to thank everyone for their support and help with my
mother’s, Marie Sexsmith, Celebration of Life. The prayers and support were greatly
appreciated. Special Thank you to Father Matt for the beautiful service, it is so nice when the
minister actually knows the person they are celebrating and it showed in the service. We would
also like to thank Sharon, Michelle, and Jeannette for their help.
Office note: The church office will be closed September 4th to 8th.
August is the month when we start to think of Back to School!! So, gifts of school supplies for
those who need but may not be able to afford them will be welcome and very useful. Things like
backpacks especially, but any other supplies that returning students can use. Bring your gifts to
the Narthex for blessing later, and distribution.
Breakfast Program
100 breakfasts were given out this past Saturday. It is great to have folks visit in the All Saints
Hall with new and old friends. Hot porridge continues to be a hit regardless of the warm
temperatures. Team members managing the donations of clothing and toiletries, etc., were
thrilled with the new msn’s shirts and pants that arrived in time for Saturday. Thanks so much
for your generosity!
Now that people are taking holidays again, please remember unopened hotel toiletries can be
useful to those who carry all their possessions in a back pack. Please drop by the next breakfast
and visit with friends and see your St. Jude’s team at work!
Our next breakfast is Saturday September 2nd from 9 – 10:30 am. All are welcome.
St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 10th September.
They always appreciate Spaghetti Sauce , canned meat , mac & cheese , peanut butter , cereals ,
canned soup, etc., but they would also like shopping bags, plastic or other, since they are running
PWRDF Look out of your window – the streets are not flooded, the trees are green and leafy,
not pillars of flame and smoke, no mudslides threatening the house – we are so blessed to be
living here. But others are not so lucky, and are in desperate or life threatened situations. The
wild fires in BC and NWT are a case in point, and the Primate’s Fund has set up a special appeal
for funds to help them. Please go to [email protected] to donate, our fellow Canadians really
need our help.
FundScrip Rick will be in the Narthex after the service this Sunday 3rd
September, to take your card orders.
Save the Date! St. Jude’s Golf and Dinner Social. Please save this date- Friday, September.
22nd for 9 holes of golf at Cobble Hills. First tee times will be about 4 pm. After golf, we will
get together at a restaurant in London for dinner at about 7 pm. Even if you don’t golf, please
feel free to join us for dinner!
For more information or to confirm you want to play and/or dine please contact the office at
519 6660-6198 or by email at [email protected]. Thanks.
Learning Together
Advance notice – mark your calendars:
Anglican Fellowship of Prayer: Fall Conference, RULE OF LIFE: The Sisterhood of St. John
Divine (From From the Perspective of a Sister, an Oblate and an Associate).
September 30th , 9:30 am—12:00 pm, by Zoom.
To register please contact: the Rev’d Ann Webber at [email protected], or by calling or
texting info to 226-373-1391. See the poster in the Narthex for more details.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday this week to Mike C. (20th August), Penny H. (21st), Bill L.(22nd)
and Joanne L. J. (23rd). Hope you all had or have happy celebrations.