Welcome to Fall!! This coming Sunday, 10th September, we resume our two service schedule,
8.30 am said Eucharist, and at 10.00 am, Holy Eucharist with music.
Readings for Sunday 10th September, Pentecost 15
First reading: Exodus 12.1-14
Psalm 119.33-40
Second reading: Romans 13.8-14
Gospel: Matthew 18.15-20
Psalm refrain: “Instruct me in your statutes, O Lord”
Live-stream link for this Sunday 10th September, 10.00 am service:
Office note: the church office is closed this week, September 4th to 8th.
Outreach for September
St. Jude’s Breakfast Program. Cash donations go toward provision of a nutritious breakfast
for guests here two or three Saturdays per month. There have been up to 100 people served by a
wonderful group of volunteers. Questions can be answered by Glenda Hayward at
[email protected].
Breakfast Program
103 breakfasts were given out this past Saturday. Last year, on this same weekend, we gave out
77 meals, and the need is growing, not just here at St. Jude’s. At St. John the Evangelist dinner
program, they are serving 190 – 200 meals every Saturday evening, another significant rise in
numbers. Your generous donations of dollars, clothes, toiletries and gently used household
items make it possible for us to respond to the needs in our local community. Thank you! Our
next breakfast is Saturday September 17th from 9 – 10:30 am. Please join us to see your generosity in action.
St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is this Sunday, 10th September.
They always appreciate Spaghetti Sauce , canned meat , mac & cheese , peanut butter , cereals ,
canned soup, etc., but they would also like shopping bags, plastic or other, since they are running
St. Jude’s Golf and Dinner Social. Please save this date, Friday, September. 22nd
for 9 holes of golf at Cobble Hills. First tee times will be about 4 pm. After golf, we will get together at a
restaurant in London for dinner at about 7 pm. Even if you don’t golf, please feel free to join us
for dinner! For more information or to confirm you want to play and/or dine please contact the office at 519-660-6198. Thanks.
Learning Together
Advance notice – mark your calendars:
Anglican Fellowship of Prayer: Fall Conference, RULE OF LIFE: The Sisterhood of St. John
Divine (From From the Perspective of a Sister, an Oblate and an Associate).
September 30th, 9:30 am—12:00 pm, by Zoom.
To register please contact: the Rev’d. Ann Webber at [email protected], or by calling or
texting info to 226-373-1391. See the poster in the Narthex for more details.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday this week to Ethan K. (3rd September), Dave H. (7th), Pat T. (8th)
and Heather W. (9th). . Hope you all had or have happy celebrations.
And, congratulations to Cherie and Bill L., who celebrate many years of wedded bliss on
8th September!
Help needed: A lovely family of five refugees has arrived from Kurdistan. Malva and his wife
Nishtaman and their 3 children arrived about 6 weeks ago and are trying to establish themselves
in a home after staying in a hotel for several weeks. They now have a little place and have
essentials but we are still looking for a few furniture donations.
Needed items include:
2 dressers tall rather than long because it isn’t that big a place
A coffee table
A wall mirror
Some carpets 8×8 or 7×7 or so
A television, preferably Smart TV since they will not have cable.
Winter is coming so if you have coats, man size large, lady size medium, girl size 14, boy size 12
and boy size 5 or 6.
Any questions or concerns please contact the office at [email protected]