Readings for Sunday 24th September, Pentecost 17
First reading: Exodus 16.2-15
Psalm 105. 1-6,16-22,45b.
Second reading: Philippians 1.21-30
Gospel: Matthew 20.1-16
Psalm refrain: “Recall the wonders that God has performed”.
Live-stream link for this Sunday 24th September, 10.00 am service:
Outreach for September
St. Jude’s Breakfast Program. Cash donations go toward provision of a nutritious breakfast
for guests here two or three Saturdays per month. There have been over 100 people served by a
wonderful group of volunteers.
Breakfast Program
Well, we continue to be surprised by the numbers who come to the Breakfast Program. We
served 112 meals last Saturday morning. This does not mean 112 people came through our
doors. We pack up breakfasts to go for 4 or 5 families who have difficulties coming to the
church – whether because of illness, age, or other issues. Some who come into the line pick up a
meal to go for a spouse or a shut-in neighbour. And still, we have many who eat with us,
enjoying a bowl of hot oatmeal or two, checking out the clothing, books and toiletries on hand,
and visiting with friends. This past Saturday, we met 3 new men who had been told about our
meal by others – one taking 3 buses to reach us. The need in our community is great – we are so
thankful to our faithful donors for your continued support and belief in what we are doing –
God’s peace!
Our next breakfast is Saturday September 30th. Please consider coming out to see your team in
St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 8th October.
They always appreciate Spaghetti Sauce , canned meat , mac & cheese , peanut butter , cereals ,
canned soup, etc., but they would also like shopping bags, plastic or other, since they are running
Nearly New Shop. Fall clothing is now available, go check out the bargains!
Learning Together
A Weekly Bible Study will be offered via Zoom on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. beginning
September 28th. Everyone is welcome. You can attend every week or just occasionally if that
is what your schedule allows. We will hear a passage of scripture read a number of times. Each
time the passage is read participants will be asked to reflect on a different question. Following
each reading of the passage participants will be invited to share their thoughts and reflections on
the question they were asked to think about. This is a very informal approach to reading and
talking about scripture and again everyone is welcome.
Here is the link for the study which again will be held each Thursday at 7:00 p.m. beginning on
September 28th.
Join Zoom Meeting
Mark your calendars:
Anglican Fellowship of Prayer: Fall Conference, RULE OF LIFE: The Sisterhood of St. John
Divine (From the Perspective of a Sister, an Oblate and an Associate).
September 30th, 9:30 am—12:00 pm, by Zoom.
To register please contact: the Rev’d. Ann Webber at [email protected], or by calling or
texting info to 226-373-1391.
See the poster in the Narthex for more details.
Social Events
Coffee time for men! Resuming these popular events, there will be a coffee time for men on
Tuesday 26th September at 10.00 am in the LGC Room. Bring a friend!!
St. Jude’s Day 2023
On Saturday 28th October, the day of our patronal feast, and this year
marking 70 years since the founding of the parish, our Social Committee is researching and
planning some special events. Details are being worked out, but it will be a day of celebration
with all kinds of interesting and enjoyable stuff, so plan on being there!!
St. Jude’s Golf and Dinner Social. This Friday, September 22nd, 9 holes of golf at Cobble
Hills. First tee times will be about 4 pm. After golf, we will get together at a restaurant in
London for dinner at about 7 pm. Even if you don’t golf, please feel free to join us for dinner!
For more information or to confirm you want to play and/or dine please contact the office.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday this week to Myfanwy M. (18th September) and Maureen E. (22nd).
Hope you both had or have happy celebrations.
And, congratulations to Rev’d. Jack B. and wife Diane, who celebrate their 66th
anniversary on 21st September!