Readings for Sunday 29th October, Pentecost 22, The Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude.
First reading: Deuteronomy 34.1-12
Psalm 119.89-96
Second reading: 1 Thessalonians 2.1-8
Gospel: Matthew 22.34-46

Psalm refrain: “O Lord, your word is everlasting”.

Live-stream link for this Sunday 15th October, 10.00 am service:

All Soul’s Service will be held on Wednesday November 1st
at 7:30 p.m. As part of this liturgy we remember and pray for loved ones who have finished their course
in faith. If you would like the name of a deceased loved one read aloud and prayed for as part of this
service please email the church office.


Outreach for October is the CHRISTMAS BALE. For years now the ACW has been paying
for the shipping costs to send shipments of used clothing to the North. Currently we are sending
things to a store in Kenora called Twice is Nice. This store is affiliated with St. Alban the
Martyr, the cathedral in Kenora.
Early in November we send only new Christmas items to Kenora to distribute to those in need,
with guidance from the cathedral and social services. We have set aside a few new adult things
that have come in to the Nearly New Shop during the year.
In October we would like to focus on teen and children’s things. The woman who organizes this
is very appreciative and has suggested the following:
All ages: hoodies, pajamas, toothbrushes and tooth paste, mitts and scarves.
Cherie has purchased socks and hats in the spring that were on clearance so we will not need
those this year.
Children: crayons, coloured pencils, markers, colouring and activity books, comic books, smaller
child’s back packs, small stuffed animals, small toys and puzzles, playing cards, hockey pucks
and sunglasses.
Girls: Hair accessories, jewelry, jewelry kits, and dolls.
Boys: Wallets.
Cash Donations designated as “Christmas Bale” are also welcome. Cherie L. and Marg B.
will do the shopping for you. (This is always fun) Please have things to the church by October 29th.

Breakfast Program
Despite the rainy weather last Saturday morning, 118 breakfasts were served to the friends of St.
Jude’s. Newcomers included young men and senior women, all glad to have a warm breakfast
and a dry place to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee and a bowl of hot oatmeal. We give thanks for
the youth volunteers we have coming each week – students from grades nine through twelve
who help serve breakfast and do some of the heavy lifting with clean up.
As you are finishing up your Fall wardrobe clean up, keep in mind that women’s footwear in
lager sizes and dressier pants for tall women are needed.
Are you wondering exactly what happens on these Fridays and Saturdays? Please join us Fridays
at 1 pm or Saturday mornings to see our teams in action. All are welcome. Our next breakfast is
Saturday November 4th.

St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 12th November.
An email from the Food Bank coordinator:
The list this time, cereal, canned meat, mac & cheese, spaghetti sauce, pasta, canned soup &
baked beans please and yes we need egg cartons, plastic bag or reusable bags & containers
again. You can also send money, cheque will be the best so I can give you a receipt for tax
purposes. As always Thank You so much for working with us for all the needs at the food bank!
Greatly appreciated.
And, we should thank Doug and Laura F., who faithfully collect and deliver our gifts each
month, a valuable and helpful ministry.

ACW A note from Cherie L.:
If you have knitting, crafts or preserves for the Bazaar, please bring them to St. Martha Room
any Wednesday, before 22nd November so they can be sorted and priced. If you have any empty
jam jars to spare, please put them in or on the CRASH cupboard.
Thank you!

PWRDF special appeal
We have all read of the very tragic situation in Gaza. Here is some details from the Primate’s
Fund of a hospital founded and supported by the Anglican Church:
Al-Ahli Anglican Episcopal Hospital is the oldest hospital in Gaza, founded in 1882 by the
Church of England. It receives no funding whatsoever by Hamas (contrary to some reports).
Its mission is unique in that it provides healthcare to anyone, regardless of their religion,
ethnicity, or political affiliation.
In my capacity as the Diocesan chair of our global outreach, the Primate’s World Relief and
Development Fund, I’m letting you know of an initial $30,000 that PWRDF has transferred to
the hospital. We have supported this hospital for years as a partner, and are actively accepting
donations for Al-Ahli Arab Hospital through the PWRDF Gaza Hospital Appeal.
The Rev’d Greg Jenkins, Chair of PWRDF Huron
We can donate online at, to the Gaza Hospital Emergency Appeal, or by phone at

Learning Together

The Weekly Bible Study continues via Zoom on Thursday evening at 7.00pm. Everyone is
welcome. You can attend every week or just occasionally if that is what your schedule allows. We will
hear a passage of scripture read a number of times. Each time the passage is read participants
will be asked to reflect on a different question. Following each reading of the passage
participants will be invited to share their thoughts and reflections on the question they were
asked to think about. This is a very informal approach to reading and talking about scripture and
again everyone is welcome.
Here is the link for the study: Join Zoom Meeting,

An Advent study series via Zoom from St. Aidan’s Church, featuring Brian Zahnd,
“The anticipated Christ: an Advent journey”, on 29th November, 6th and 13th December. See the
poster in the Narthex for full details, including how to register.

Let’s Celebrate

St. Jude’s Day 2023 This Saturday, 28th October, our patronal festival, and this year marking
70 years since the founding of the parish, our Social Committee is researching and planning
these special events:
– In All Saints Hall from 2 to 4.00 pm, a Tea social – mingle, chat and enjoy coffee, tea, and
cake, as well as browse group displays.
– Then, at 7:30 for an Evening Social – mingle, chat, share hors d’oeuvres (bring your
favourite), coffee, tea, or beverages (cash bar), view displays*, and be entertained with musical
interludes offered by fellow parishioners – current and former minstrels!
* Groups in the church, newer and long standing missions, will be setting up displays of their
ministries over the course of our history. This will be an opportunity to see the breadth of our
commitment to faithful, loving service in our community and the world.

Happy Birthday this week to Sandra K. (23rd
October) and Ann D. (28th) . Hope you both have a happy celebration.