Readings for Sunday 12th November, Pentecost 24, Remembrance Sunday
First reading: Joshua 24.1-3a, 14-25
Psalm 70
Second reading: 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18
Gospel: Matthew 25.1-13

Psalm refrain: “Help me God, God be quick to save me”.

The flowers on the altar this Sunday are given by Susan, Lauren and Anne in loving memory of
David Goodbrand.

Live stream link for Sunday November 12 –


Outreach for November is St. Paul’s Christmas Share. Financial donations are forwarded to
St. Paul’s Social Services to purchase gift cards to provide Christmas food and gifts for families
in need. Any questions or concerns call the office.

St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is this Sunday, 12th November.
An email from the Food Bank coordinator:
The list this time, cereal, canned meat, mac & cheese, spaghetti sauce, pasta, canned soup &
baked beans please and yes we need egg cartons, plastic bag or reusable bags & containers
again ??! You can also send money, cheque will be the best so I can give you a receipt for tax
purposes. As always thank you so much for working with us for all the needs at the food bank!
Greatly appreciated.
And, we should thank Doug and Laura F., who faithfully collect and deliver our gifts each
month, a valuable and helpful ministry.

Breakfast Program
The next breakfast is on Saturday November 18th from 9 – 10:30 am. All are welcome!

Nearly New Shop update. Good news! We had record sales in October of $1194.00, and we
still have many very nice warm coats for children and adults.
Our year to date income is $5445.00. These sales are 95% of funds we raise for Outreach.
Many thanks to my 20 volunteers.
Let me know if you would like to join the roster in April, it takes just 2 to 3 hours once a month
and is a nice way to meet and visit with other women of the parish.
Cherie L.

Learning Together

The Weekly Bible Study continues via Zoom on Thursday evening at 7.00pm. Everyone is
You can attend every week or just occasionally if that is what your schedule allows. We will
hear a passage of scripture read a number of times. Each time the passage is read participants
will be asked to reflect on a different question. Following each reading of the passage
participants will be invited to share their thoughts and reflections on the question they were
asked to think about.
This is a very informal approach to reading and talking about scripture and again everyone is
Here is the link for the study: Join Zoom Meeting,

 An Advent study series via Zoom from St. Aidan’s Church, featuring Brian Zahnd,
“The anticipated Christ: an Advent journey”, on 29th November, 6th and 13th December. See the
poster in the Narthex for full details, including how to register.

Let’s Celebrate

Happy birthday this week to Brian B. (5th November), Catherine S., Kerry O.
and Jonathan S. (all on the 6th). Hope you all had happy days!

Congratulations to Mary Lynn and Dave H., who celebrate their wedding anniversary on
10th November.