Sunday 24th December, Advent 4. Remember, one service only at 9.30 am, and this is an
Advent service, not Christmas, which begins at 7.00 pm.
Please note, the office will be closed next week, reopening on 2nd January
Links for the live streams of the Advent 4 and Christ Mass services:
Advent 4:
The Christ Mass:
Advent and Christmas Services:
24th December, Advent 4, Holy Eucharist at 9.30 am (with music). Note, this is not a
Christmas service.
Carol singing at 6.40 pm, followed by the Candle-lit Christ Mass at 7.00 pm. This will be
Fr. Bill’s last service as St. Jude’s incumbent.
31st December, Christmas 1, Morning Prayer with music at 9.30 am.
Interim priest: the bishop has appointed the Rev’d. Canon June Hough as our interim priest
while we search for a new incumbent. Canon Hough, recently retired from the Church of the
Ascension, will celebrate her first service with us on Sunday 7th January 2024.
Stamps. Getting Christmas cards or letters by “snail mail” is not the happy experience we used
to have, but perhaps you will get some. So, to repeat the appeal from previous years, please save
the stamps from those cards or letters, and leave them in or by the CRASH cupboard. They are
sent away to be used to buy Bibles for those who otherwise cannot afford them.
Outreach for December is St. Jude’s Christmas Share. Gift cards and financial donations are
collected and distributed to families in need in the community.
Rector’s Discretionary Fund Gift cards and financial donations given on Christmas Eve are
distributed throughout the year for those in our congregation and in the community who need
help with groceries, bus tickets, and more.
Breakfast Program
The next breakfast is on Saturday 30th December, 9 – 10.30 am, and all are welcome. They
served 126 guests last Saturday in a special “Christmas” breakfast, who all left with a seasonal
goodie bag! Well done, to those very special St. Jude’s folk who plan, shop, prepare and serve
this valuable service to our community.
St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 14th January 2024. As usual, they would appreciate
Cereals, Canned Meat, Mac & Cheese, Pasta Sauce & Pasta Noodles, Side Dishes, Canned
Soup, Toilet Paper.
Learning Together
Our Advent Journey. A thought provoking and challenging series conducted by The Rt. Rev’d.
Terry Dance, can be found at The sessions for Advent are
all now on-line.
And, something different, an on-line Advent calendar idea from England:
The “Visual Commentary on Scripture” – a website dedicated to Christian art and interpretation,
is offering a daily email which will link you into the Advent season with a variety of works of
art. It runs from December 1st
– and you can catch up on those you haven’t seen on the website
when you connect. A fascinating (and sometimes challenging) exploration – recommended!
In your browser (Google, etc.) type in Light: Advent Calendar 2023 to subscribe – it’s free!
An invitation. We invite you to “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” on January 27th, 2024, a
parish event that we are bringing back! Format- a parish family/person hosts 4-8 other parish
members in their home for a potluck dinner with a great evening of conversation and
story-telling. No one knows who will be showing up until they arrive!
The host/hostess provides 1) hors d’oeuvres, and the other 3 individuals/couples who are guests
supply either 2) salad and vegetables or 3) main course or 4) dessert. All participants supply
their own alcoholic drinks.
Sign up sheets will be in the Narthex before Christmas. When signing up please indicate which
role (host/hostess or guest) you choose and which dish you will bring. If you have any questions
please contact David or Cheryle Anne at [email protected]
David Belford, Cheryle Anne Mac Belford
Let’s Celebrate
Congratulations to Daphne and Roger R., who celebrated their wedding anniversary on
17th December!
Last Sunday, after a lovely service of Nine Lessons and Carols (and many thanks to Christina,
the soloist and choir members), we had a great “send off” party in All Saints Hall for Fr. Bill, as
he, sadly, is coming to an end of his tenure at St. Jude’s (and many thanks also to the Wardens
and helpers who arranged it). Many parish members were there to thank him for his ministry
(and eat cake), and wish him well as he enters a new phase in his career. Dennis Johns worked
tirelessley around the room taking pictures of the event, and you can see them all if you click on
this link:!AnIKR0LpSbc6hBjwYGyC1tX8fIlR?e=M2rAe0
Thanks, Dennis.
From all of us involved with the Update, a very merry and blessed Christmas celebration ,
and Happy and Healthy New Year, to everyone!