Happy New (secular) Year to everyone!

Sunday 7th January 2024, Epiphany Sunday
Reminder: we are now back to two services each Sunday, at 8.30 and 10.00 am.

Link for next Sunday’s 10.00 am service:

Interim priest: The Rev’d. Canon June Hough will be our interim priest while we search for a
new incumbent, and she will celebrate her first service with us on Sunday 7th January 2024.
As Cyndi invited us last Sunday morning, we should all try to be here for the services to
welcome her into our parish.

Readings for Sunday 7th January
First reading: Isaiah 60.1-6
Psalm 72.1-7, 10-14
Second reading: Ephesians 3.1-12
Gospel: Matthew 2.1-12

Psalm response: “All kings shall bow down before him, and the nations do him service.”


Outreach for January. Socks Share: Gathering new socks and underwear for all ages.
Suggestion for socks is those with some wool that last longer than white cotton. Donations will
be blessed during a service.
The socks will be shared with Unity Project, St. Joseph’s House with CCLC and My Sisters

St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 14th January 2024. As usual, they would appreciate
Cereals, Canned Meat, Mac & Cheese, Pasta Sauce & Pasta Noodles, Side Dishes, Canned
Soup, Toilet Paper.

Breakfast Program
The next breakfast is on Saturday 6th January.


FundScrip. Next Sunday, 7th January, should be the day for ordering your cards, but sadly Rick
is not well and so this cannot happen. We’ll let you know as soon as ordering is possible.
Meanwhile, our thoughts and prayers for Rick, wishing him a speedy recovery.

Social Events

An invitation. We invite you to “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” on January 27th, 2024, a
parish event that we are bringing back! Format- a parish family/person hosts 4-8 other parish
members in their home for a potluck dinner with a great evening of conversation and
story-telling. No one knows who will be showing up until they arrive!
The host/hostess provides 1) hors d’oeuvres, and the other 3 individuals/couples who are guests
supply either 2) salad and vegetables or 3) main course or 4) dessert. All participants supply
their own alcoholic drinks.
Sign up sheets will be in the Narthex before Christmas. When signing up please indicate which
role (host/hostess or guest) you choose and which dish you will bring. If you have any questions
please contact David or Cheryle Anne at [email protected]
David Belford, Cheryle Anne Mac Belford

Let’s Celebrate

Happy Birthday this week to Geoff V. (1st January), and Jennifer C. (2nd).