Readings for Sunday 17th March, Lent 5.
First Reading: Jeremiah 31.31-34
Psalm 51.1-13
Second Reading: Hebrews 5.5-10
Gospel John 2.20-33
Psalm response: “Create in me a clean heart, O God”

Livestream link for Sunday’s 10.00 am service:


Outreach for March. Due to the need in our community we felt support for the Community
Breakfast Program and the St. Paul’s Food bank would be really appreciated. There are 3 full
breakfasts in March, 2nd, 16th and 30th.

Breakfast program
The next Breakfast is this Saturday, 16th March.

St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday 8th April.

Fundraising and Social

PWRDF While there seems little we can do to help the brutally oppressed residents of Gaza, we
are reminded that the Anglican Church supports, through the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem,
the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in North Gaza. The hospital staff have continued to do what they can
under conditions we can only imagine, but we can support them by donating to the Primate’s
Fund, which supports the hospital. This is our Anglican Church at work! Send your donations
to the PWRDF at 80 Hayden Street in Toronto, M4Y 3G2, and continue to pray for an end to this
cruel and senseless killing.

Men of St. Jude will have a coffee hour in the LGC Room at 10.00 am next Tuesday,
19th March. All men welcome – bring a friend if you like.

Trivia Night!! Is coming once more, on Saturday April 6th at 7.00 pm. There will be tables of
six, and individuals are welcome to join others to make up a table.
Here is a new question to keep you going: Lieutenant-Governor John Graves Simcoe named
London in 1826. Originally, Simcoe had proposed to call London, what?
Answer to last weeks question: Black Friars Bridge is a wrought iron bowstring arch through
truss bridge.

Learning Together

Lenten Studies
1. London and Area Churches present “Give up Cruelty, take up Compassion”, a Lenten journey
with author John Pavlovitz. This is a Zoom event, continuing on Mondays 18th and 25th March,
at 7.30 pm. Register at [email protected], and see the notice in the Narthex for more details.
2. St. Paul’s Cathedral Noon Lenten Speaker Series, every Wednesday has begun, and continues
on 20th and 27th March. Titled “Servanthood and Sacrifice” this is a cross-cultural and interfaith
discussion series.
A light vegetarian lunch will be served by the cathedral’s ACW members after each session. For
more details, contact the Rev’d. Canon Kevin George at [email protected] or call
519-434-3225. For more details, see the poster in the Narthex.

Let’s Celebrate

Happy birthday! This week to Anna Hall (10th March), Sheila D. and Jo Anne C.
(11th), Bob McK. (13th), and Robin G. and Donna McA. (15th). Hope you all had or
have a happy day!