Readings for Sunday 5th May, Easter 6.
First Reading: Acts 10.44-48
Psalm 98
Second Reading: 1 John 5.1-6
Gospel: John 15.9-17
Psalm response: “Ring out with joy for God, who comes to judge the earth”

Live stream link for Sunday’s 10.00 am service:


Outreach for May is Women’s Month.
My Sister’s Place: Is many things to the 100 plus women who walk through its doors each day.
It is Safety. It is Support. It is Sisterhood. Women who access My Sisters’ Place range in age
from 16 – 70 and come from diverse backgrounds. Most have experienced abuse, trauma, and
isolation. More than 80% are dealing with mental health challenges.
Needs: panties (all sizes), hats/mittens, small birthday gifts, hairbrushes, feminine hygiene
products; craft items, wool, jewelry.
Anova: formerly Women’s Community House (WCH) and Sexual Assault Centre London
(SACL), Anova provides safe places, shelter, support, counselling, and resources for abused
women, their children, and all oppressed individuals to find a new start. Provides enhanced
sexual violence and prevention work for youth, and an integrated 24hour crisis and support line.
Needs: pajamas, slippers, colouring books and crayons, makeup, sheets, craft items, wool.
But, also don’t forget St. Paul’s Foodbank, May 12th, and Community Breakfasts, May 4th and 18th.

Breakfast program
Our next breakfast is this Saturday, May 4th, from 9 – 10:30 am, and all are welcome to share
breakfast or to check out what we do. Friday, we’ll prep for 125 friends, and the clothing team
will get all their offerings ready and set up the room. Thanks to all for making sure we have lots
to share.

St. Paul’s Food Bank.
Our next Food Bank Sunday is 12th of May. They will appreciate
Cereals, canned Soup, Pasta Sauce, Pasta noodles, Mac & Cheese, Baked beans, Canned
Vegetables, Canned Meat, Peanut Butter, and lastly, plastic containers and reusable cloth bags.

Fundraising and Social

FundScrip. Rick will be in the Narthex between the services this Sunday to take your card

Yard Sale is on May 11th, from 8:00am to 12:00 noon. Please contact the office or Derek
Shadlock if you would like a table.

Coming up. the Pig Roast and Auction on May 25th.
Tickets are now available for the Pig Roast and Auction, through the office or from Derek
Shadlock. Tickets are $20.00, and takeout dinners will be available for $25.00. They will
include pork, potatoes, veggies, cole slaw and homemade pie.
The Fundraising Committee is looking for your donations of new or gently used items for the
auction/silent auction. Please contact the office if you have any items to donate, or just bring

Men of St. Jude will be munching together once again on Tuesday May 14th
at the Alibi Roadhouse, at 11:30 AM. All men welcome – bring a friend!

Meetings and Events

ACW. Next monthly meeting will be on May 8th, in the St. Martha Room. Bag lunch and
fellowship at 12 noon, tea provided, and the meeting starts at 12:30. Everyone welcome!
Also, we will have meat pies for sale on Sunday until we run out. Cost is $5 each.

Let’s Celebrate

Birthdays! This week Debby W, Mike G, Stephanie M, Zuriel I and David B celebrate, so
happy birthday to you all!!