Readings for Sunday 26th May, Trinity Sunday.
First Reading: Isaiah 6.1-8
Psalm 29
Second Reading: Romans 8.12-17
Gospel: John 3.1-17
Psalm response: “Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength”
Live stream link for Sunday’s 10.00 am service:
Outreach for May is Women’s Month.
My Sister’s Place: Is many things to the 100 plus women who walk through its doors each day.
It is Safety. It is Support. It is Sisterhood. Women who access My Sisters’ Place range in age
from 16 – 70 and come from diverse backgrounds. Most have experienced abuse, trauma, and
isolation. More than 80% are dealing with mental health challenges.
Needs: panties (all sizes), hats/mittens, small birthday gifts, hairbrushes, feminine hygiene
products; craft items, wool, jewelry.
Anova: formerly Women’s Community House (WCH) and Sexual Assault Centre London
(SACL), Anova provides safe places, shelter, support, counselling, and resources for abused
women, their children, and all oppressed individuals to find a new start. Provides enhanced
sexual violence and prevention work for youth, and an integrated 24hour crisis and support line.
Needs: pajamas, slippers, colouring books and crayons, makeup, sheets, craft items, wool.
But, also don’t forget St. Paul’s Foodbank, May 12th, and Community Breakfasts, May 4th and
Breakfast program
In our update message last week I mentioned the challenge in predicting how many breakfasts
we need to prepare from week to week. We prepped 128 wraps and thought we might have as
many as 130 people this past Saturday. We guessed low and actually served 154 breakfasts – the
highest number to date. Thankfully our terrific kitchen team of Deb B. and Paul B.
were able to use the extra sandwiches, bread, ham and cheese from the freezer to ensure
everyone had something to eat. We had muffins and treats in the freezer to share thanks to our
generous bakers. The volunteers in the All Saints Hall worked so well together, keeping up their
usual high level of humour and kindness despite the extra volume of work. We hear from our
friends in other meal programs that they too are seeing rising numbers – and we may see
more as some programs don’t operate during the summer months.
Your ongoing financial support of this outreach ministry makes it possible for us to meet this
need in our community! Thank you! Our next breakfast is Saturday June 1st. All are welcome
to join us – to observe, to help, to enjoy breakfast.
St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 9th June, but Doug and Laura
will be away for the that food bank collection and delivery to St Paul’s on Monday morning
June 10th, so they are looking for someone who has time to volunteer to do this for them.
Fundraising and Social
This Saturday May 25th, the Pig Roast, and Auction.
Some tickets are still available for the Pig Roast and Auction, through the office or from Derek
Shadlock. Tickets are $20.00, and takeout dinners will be available for $25.00. They will
include pork, potatoes, veggies, cole slaw and homemade pie. But, act quickly or it will be over!
The Fundraising Committee is looking for your donations of new or gently used items for the
auction/silent auction. Please contact the office if you have any items to donate, or just bring
them to the church.
The Yard Sale was rained out and has been rescheduled for Saturday 22nd
June, from 8:00am to 12:00 noon. Please contact the office if you would like a table.
Women’s coffee gathering.
There has been a request to restart this gathering. The St Alban’s room (LGC was busy) is
booked for Wednesday – June 5th from 10-12:00. When we gather, we can talk about how often
we want to meet, times, location etc. and of course drink coffee, tea and have some good
old-time fellowship. This will be the start with a plan to continue in earnest in September!
Provided, of course, there is interest!
Let’s Celebrate
Birthdays! This week to Shirley W., Mary Lou S., and Darryl U.
A special birthday wish to David Howison, who celebrates his 95th birthday next week, on
Sunday 26th May!
And also congratulations to Anne and Ray D. and Nancey and Andy O., who celebrate their
anniversary on May 20th, and Victoria and Sidney S., celebrating on 22nd May!
Plus, special congratulations to Michael Ashby, who just graduated from Fanshawe’s auto
mechanic program. Michael, when he wasn’t studying for his certificate, spent many hours
helping dad Wally Lockhart renovating and/or repairing things in the church building, for which
we owe him thanks. He will now be looking for a garage to start his apprenticeship on the way
to a essential and fulfilling career!