Readings for Sunday 7th July, Pentecost 7
First Reading: 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10
Psalm 48
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10
Gospel: Mark 6:1-13
Psalm response: “Our great God deserves praise in the city of God”
Here is the livestream link for this Sunday:
Summer services: Each week, one service of Holy Eucharist each Sunday at 9.30 am
Outreach for July
In July, we focus on the environment
Breakfast Program
This past Saturday your team served 115 breakfasts. Friends were glad to have a dry place to
enjoy a bowl of porridge and visit with others over a hot cup of coffee. The clothing cupboard
continues to offer summer fashions for men and women and we appreciate the sharing of goods
with the Nearly New Shop. Our student volunteers were in high spirits as school is out and they
shared their summer plans. The high energy level in the kitchen during clean up was great – lots
of laughs and sharing the workload. We had hoped to serve strawberries but they were out of
stock. We’ll try again this Saturday to provide this summer treat for all. Thanks to those who
generously donated to the berries. Our next breakfast is this Saturday July 6th from 9 – 10:30 am.
All are welcome!
St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 14th July.
As usual, this is what they would appreciate: Cereal, Pasta Noodles, Pasta Sauce, Baked Beans,
Tuna, Granola Bar, Canned Vegetables, Canned Soup, used containers, used grocery bags
and egg cartons.
Fundraising and Social
FundScrip: Rick will be in the Narthex on Sunday to take your card orders.
Parish Picnic. A thank-you from Derek – we had about 70 people at the picnic. Good food was
enjoyed by all, as were the music and games, supplied by Amanda and Chris Chalmers. A very
enjoyable event! Thank-you to all who helped organize, set up and clean up, and of course to all
who came!
Let’s Celebrate
Birthdays! Lots celebrating this week again: Michelle G, Sherie L and Matthew S. and Mary O’C.