Readings for Sunday 14th July, Pentecost 8
First Reading: 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19
Psalm 24
Second Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14
Gospel: Mark 6:14-29
Psalm response: “You gates, open wide and high. Let the glorious sovereign enter”
Summer services: Each week, one service of Holy Eucharist each Sunday at 9.30 am.
Here is the livestream link for this Sunday:
Outreach for July
In July, we focus on the environment.
Breakfast Program
It was a beautiful summer day this past Saturday and we served 134 breakfasts, including fresh
strawberries and grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. One young man told us he had just heard
about our meal – he took a bag for himself, one for his wife and one for their tent mate. They are
camping out close to Masonville and thankful for the upcoming week of quiet weather.
Your financial gifts along with the clothing, shoes and toiletries you continue to give make every
day a better day for those who join us. A great idea from a parishioner- next time you are having
a check up at the dentist, mention the breakfast program and suggest we work together.
Hopefully they will have some extra dental floss, tooth paste and brushes to share with us.
Our next breakfast is Saturday July 20th from 9 – 10:30 am. All are welcome!
St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is this Sunday, 14th July.
As usual, this is what they would appreciate: Cereal, Pasta Noodles, Pasta Sauce, Baked Beans
Tuna, Granola Bars, canned vegetables, canned soup, used containers, used grocery bags and
egg cartons.
Fundraising and Social
FundScrip: Rick should be in the Narthex on Sunday with your cards!!
Let’s Celebrate
Birthdays! This week, happy birthday to Sharyn U., Christina!!, and Terry R.
And, best wishes to Gladys and Tony L. as they celebrate their wedding anniversary.