Readings for Sunday 25thAugust, Pentecost 14
First reading: Kings 8:(1,6,10-11), 22-30, 41-43
Psalm 84 (Read responsively)
Second reading: Ephesians 6:10-20
Gospel: John 6:56-69

Psalm response: “Happy are the people whose strength is in you”

Here is the link for Sunday’s service:


Outreach for August: Back to School. School supplies and back packs for children and youth
heading to school in September. These will be blessed prior to distribution to those in need. They
go to Rotholme Family Services.

St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 8th September.
They will appreciate Cereal, Pasta Noodles, Pasta Sauce, Baked Beans, Tuna, Granola Bar,
Canned Vegetables, Canned Soup, used containers, used grocery bags, egg cartons.

Breakfast program
Our breakfast team had another busy Saturday morning giving out 134 breakfasts. We were
joined by 2 new volunteers – a mother / daughter team – who learned about the program
watching our on-line Sunday services. They join our list of non-parishioner volunteers who live
close by and want to help our community. We give thanks for the caring, compassion, and
energy these people bring to our team. We also give thanks for our experienced team members
who give an amazing warm and genuine welcome to these newcomers. Is it any wonder that
friends who join us on Saturdays say that while they appreciate the food, clothing and toiletries,
they come especially for the hospitality and caring they receive from the volunteers – truly God’s
love in action! Please join us and see how your financial support and prayers make it possible for
us to be God’s hand, feet and heart in this place.
Our next breakfast is Saturday, August 31st, from 9 – 10:30 am. All are welcome!

Fundraising and Social

The Men of St Jude are having a lunch Tuesday September 10th
at 11:30 AM, at the Alibi Restaurant.
All men of the parish are invited and welcome! Bring a friend!

Advance notice
St. Jude’s Golf and Dinner Social. Please save this date- Friday, September 20th for 9 holes
of golf at Cobble Hills GC. First tee times will be about 4:30 pm. After golf, we will move to a
restaurant in London for dinner at about 7 pm. Even if you don’t golf, please feel free to join us
for dinner! We will provide the restaurant location in September. For more information, or to
confirm you want to play and/or dine, please contact the office at [email protected].

Nearly New Shop.
Nearly New Shop 1/2 price sale is on until September 14th.
There are still many very nice things at very reasonable prices.

Learning Together

Anglican Fellowship of Prayer meeting via Zoom, on Saturday October 5th, 9:30 am to
12:00 pm. You can register now by contacting Ms. Susan Johnson, [email protected].
More information on the poster in the Narthex.

ACW news
National Meeting of the Diocesan ACW Presidents – September 26th to September 29th.
The Diocese of Huron ACW Council is hosting the National ACW Presidents’ Conference this
year in Stratford, at St. James Anglican Church. This is a gathering of the ACW Diocesan
Presidents from all over Canada.
The program of special events organized to entertain the Presidents is open to anyone within
the Diocese. All events are being held at St. James Anglican Church, 41 Mornington St.,
Stratford. For more information or to volunteer your help, please call Karen at 519- 703- 5398,
or email her at [email protected].
Come out and share this time with the National Presidents, as well as those within our Diocese!

Let’s Celebrate

Birthdays! This week, happy birthday to Mike C., Penny H., Bill L. and Joanne.
Hope you all will have, or had, a very happy day!!

And, wedding anniversary congratulations for Sharyn and Darryl.

A little word of wisdom from the Edinburgh Festival:
My dad used to say to me: “Pints, gallons, litres” – which, I think, speaks volumes.