Readings for Sunday 15th September, Pentecost 17
First reading: Proverbs 1.20-33
Psalm 19
Second reading: James 3.1-12
Gospel: Mark 8.27-38
Psalm response: “The commandment of God is clear and gives light to the eyes”

Thank you!! To all who organized our ‘come back” lunch last Sunday, a great way to renew our
friendships, welcome new people and work for the future by joining in the many activities here at
St. Jude’s. Welcome to fall, and exciting times ahead!

Fundraising and Social

Ladies of St Jude’s Coffee and Fellowship Time, 10.00 am on Thursday, September 19th, in the
LGC room. (The 3rdThursday of the month)
Come and connect with other women! Coffee and Tea provided, but feel free to bring an
optional treat to share.

FundScrip. Rick should be here on Sunday with our card orders, in the Narthex between the

Rhubarb pies are still available and you can buy them, at $12.00 each, after the services on

Nearly New Shop.
Nearly New Shop 1/2 price sale is on until September 14th. There are still many very nice things
at very reasonable prices.

Advance notice
St. Jude’s Golf and Dinner Social. Please save this date- Friday, September 20th for 9 holes
of golf at Cobble Hills GC. First tee times will be about 4:30 pm. After golf, we will move to a
restaurant in London for dinner at about 7 pm. Even if you don’t golf, please feel free to join us
for dinner! We will provide the restaurant location in September. For more information, or to
confirm you want to play and/or dine, please contact the office at [email protected].


Outreach for September
St. Jude’s Breakfast Program
Did you notice that the Breakfast Program has not asked directly for financial support over the
past months? This is because as the Ministry of the Month for September we are consolidating our
requests throughout this month. Each week we will provide details about the program. We are
asking for your financial help now!
Did you know this vital community outreach program is funded through the generous
donations of parishioners, their friends and families, and with some minimal support from
community partners. No St. Jude’s operating or other funds support this program directly. For
example, the Outreach Committee provides bus tickets when requested.
Last year the program received extra donations that gave us a significant reserve to start the
year. Those donations have not been repeated in 2024 and the reserve is quickly being depleted.
Why? Because the cost of food continues to escalate, and we have already served 684 more meals
this year over last.
Please consider donating to the St. Jude’s Community Breakfast Program this month.
Many thanks!

Breakfast program
Our next breakfast is September 21st, from 9-10:30 am. Please come on out and see your
financial support in action!

St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is October 13th. Thank you to all who
contribute to this outreach, and to the Fairbairns for so faithfully delivering our gifts to the
cathedral each month.

Learning Together

Anglican Fellowship of Prayer meeting via Zoom, on Saturday October 5th,
from 9:30 am to12:00 pm.
You can register now by contacting Ms. Susan Johnson, [email protected]. More information
on the poster in the Narthex.

National Meeting of the Diocesan ACW Presidents – September 26th to September 29th.
The Diocese of Huron ACW Council is hosting the National ACW Presidents’ Conference this
year in Stratford, at St. James Anglican Church.
This is a gathering of the ACW Diocesan Presidents from all over Canada.
The program of special events organized to entertain the Presidents is open to anyone within
the Diocese. All events are being held at St. James Anglican Church, 41 Mornington St.,
Stratford. For more information or to volunteer your help, please call Karen at 519- 703- 5398, or
email her at [email protected].
Come out and share this time with the National Presidents, as well as those within our Diocese!

Let’s Celebrate

Birthdays! This week, happy birthday to Pat T., Heather W., Marylin M.
and Sidney S. and Mary Jane S.. Hope you all will have, or had, a very happy day!!

And, congratulations to Mary and Larry O’C., who celebrate their wedding anniversary this week.