Readings for Sunday 29th September, Pentecost 19
First reading: Genesis 28.10-17
Psalm 103.19-12
Second reading: Revelation 12.7-12
Gospel: John 1.47-51

Livestream link for Sunday’s 10.00 am service:


Outreach for September
St. Jude’s Breakfast Program.
Do you have a favourite place that you talk about with your friends? Perhaps invite them to come
along the next time you visit? A restaurant, a store, the library? If so, you are just like the friends
who join us for breakfast on the first, third and fifth Saturday each month. Our program
provides all of these.
Listen to the conversations in the line up to get breakfast or at the coffee station, or the tables
around the All Saints Hall. Regular friends are telling newcomers what to expect – that the food
they take home might last a couple of days, the clothing and shoes are free, that the porridge is
always hot, and our barista Andy always has a joke and will say hello and welcome in multiple
languages. Newcomers come from all over the city – by bus including Paratransit, bicycle,
walking, or catching a lift with a friend because they heard about the program from others.
Friends who come initially out of need, now volunteer to help in the kitchen, with clean up, and to
serve on the line. Why? Because with your financial help we provide nutritious home made
foods, generous hospitality, and a safe place to visit with volunteers and friends. This month we
are asking for your financial support of this vital ministry. There will likely be no “cushion” this
year to leave for next year. With the unending rise in the cost of food and the number of those we
serve, we continue to look for ways to stretch the funds you provide. Donations can be placed in
the offertory plate, added to your preset donations, or donate on-line. Our many thanks for all the
support you have given us to date.
Please help as you are able to keep this program viable for all!

Breakfast program
Our next breakfast is Saturday, October 5th, from 9-10:30 am. Please come on out and see your
financial support in action!

St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is October 13th. Thank you to all who
contribute to this outreach, and to the Fairbairns for so faithfully delivering our gifts to the
cathedral each month.

Fundraising and Social

St. Jude’s Golf and Dinner Social last Friday was a great success, good (?) golfing, and a lot of
fun at dinner at Formaggios. Many thanks to David Belford and the team for organizing this
annual event.

Learning Together

National Meeting of the Diocesan ACW Presidents – September 26th to September 29th.
The Diocese of Huron ACW Council is hosting the National ACW Presidents’ Conference this
year in Stratford, at St. James Anglican Church.
This is a gathering of the ACW Diocesan Presidents from all over Canada.
The program of special events organized to entertain the Presidents is open to anyone within
the Diocese. All events are being held at St. James Anglican Church, 41 Mornington St.,
Stratford. For more information or to volunteer your help, please call Karen at 519- 703- 5398, or
email her at [email protected].
Come out and share this time with the National Presidents, as well as those within our Diocese!

Anglican Fellowship of Prayer meeting via Zoom, on Saturday October 5th, 9:30 am to 12:00 pm.
You can register now by contacting Ms. Susan Johnson, [email protected]. More information
on the poster in the Narthex.

Let’s Celebrate

Birthdays! This week, happy birthday to Maureen E., Phil F. and Meghan K.