Readings for Sunday 17th November, Pentecost 26.
First reading: 1 Samuel 1.4-20
Psalm 16
Second reading: Hebrews 10.11-14
Gospel: Mark 13.1-8
Psalm response: “I have said to the most high, you are my God”
Last Sunday, Remembrance Sunday, was a special and moving experience, and thank you to
Rev’d. June and all involved for making it so. You can relive it on the YouTube video, well
worth doing. Her description of Edith Cavell is also worth looking up, which YouTube will
faithfully do, and if you don’t know about Edith Cavell, it’s a story to lift the heart, especially in
these uncertain times when it is all to easy to just give up. Thank you also to Chris Chalmers for
his postlude, a moving poem by Cecil Spring Rice set to music by Gustav Holst.
St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is 8th December, perhaps an opportunity to
do something special for Christmas, like Christmas Share. Laura has sent in some background on this food bank:
St Paul’s Social Services ( now called Paul’s Place) have been providing food and assistance to
their vulnerable neighbours for over 40 years. A ministry that began with a simple and small
pantry has grown to a 5 day a week operation. Hundreds of needy people come through their
doors each week. Each person crossing their threshold is seeking help. The staff of the Food Bank
seek to respect the dignity of every guest they meet. They feel they can only do so because of the
faithful and dedicated service of their volunteers and generosity of their donors. Thank you to
St Jude’s participation.
Fundraising and Social
Coffee House 2024. Was another roaring success, and a big vote of thanks to Peter and Sandra
King, prime movers, and their many helpers. Rick McGhie wove his special magic as usual, ably
supported by our own talent! Wonderful, and we look forward to number 30!!
2024 Bazaar. A note from coordinator Linda Howard.
Christmas Bazaar, November 23rd, 9am to 1 pm.
Volunteers are needed, see the sign-up sheet in the Narthex
Donations needed: Crafts; Christmas Decorations; Knits; Jewelry; Attic Treasures; Items for the
Bottle Table; Baked Goods for the Bake Tables and Muffins/Squares for the Lunch Room.
To help with sorting and pricing of donated items, it would be appreciated if all donations could
be at the church before November 20th. For your convenience, they can be dropped off at the
office. It would be appreciated if baked goods and preserves can be delivered by November 22nd
before 4 pm.
Something new!!
A new event. On Saturday November 30th, Dr. Sydney Siu, our resident photographer, is going
to host an exhibition and sale of his photos. 100 % of the sales money will be donated, London
Food Bank receiving 50 %, St Paul’s Food Bank 25 % and our Breakfast program 25 %.
We hope everyone can come out and support this unique and generous offer.
Calendars. The Chancel Guild has 2025 Church calendars available for sale, at the still bargain
price of $10.00 each. Ask any Chancel Guild member.
Attention all teens: Save The Date.
Rev’d Steve Green is organizing another movie night followed by food and discussion, on
Friday November 29th, early evening ?? More details will follow next week.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy birthday! This week to Brian M. and Peter K., both on 12th
November, and Amanis I. and Andrew W., both on the 13th.
Hope you all had or have a happy time!
And, congratulations to Mary Lynn and Dave H., who celebrated their anniversary on 10th
November, and also to Michelle and John G., who celebrate on 15th November.