Readings for Sunday 1st December, Advent 1.
First reading: Jeremiah 33.14-16
Psalm 25, 1-9
Second reading: 1 Thessalonians 3.9-13
Gospel: Luke 21.25-36
Psalm response: “Show me your ways, O God, and teach me your paths”
Livestream link for Sunday’s 10.00 am service:
St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is next Sunday, 8th December, perhaps an
opportunity to do something special for Christmas, like Christmas Share. For the Food Bank, in
addition to the usual Pasta Noodles, Canned Meat, Canned Soup, pork & beans, peanut butter
or jam, mac & cheese, toilet papers, granola bars or oatmeal for kids, they are asking for stuffing
for turkey or chicken, cranberries in can, cake mixes, canned fruit.
Breakfast program
We usually use this space to talk about Saturdays – how many breakfasts we serve, who are the
friends, and what is needed in the way of clothing, toiletries etc. This week, we’ll give you a
picture of what happens on the Friday before to get ready. The kitchen team arrives by 9 am and
go right to their preferred station. Muffins and treats are bagged and counted- 2 kinds of muffins
in a bag. The pots are filled with water and put on to boil for the 8 plus flats that will be hard
boiled, peeled and bagged – 2 eggs per bag. Twenty bunches of bananas are separated and
counted – hopefully at least 120. T he entrée team get started – chopping onions and peppers for
wraps and casserole plus broccoli for the casserole; browning the beef for the wraps; buttering 16
loaves of cracked wheat bread for the ham and cheese sandwiches. 8 take home boxes are loaded
with non-perishables for families so they don’t need to come through the line. The coffee is set up
to be plugged in on Saturday early. T he fresh white milk is delivered by one of the 2 volunteers
who order the milk each week. And then clean up and volunteers are on their way home by 11:30,
tired but smiling about a job well done and essential to the smooth running of the breakfast the
next day.
Take care, and join us next time for a description of Fridays in the All Saints Hall. God’s peace to
all. The next breakfast is Saturday December 7th. All are welcome to join us!
Fundraising and Social
FundScrip Rick will be in the Narthex on Sunday to take your pre-Christmas card orders. A hint
for you, they make very handy stocking stuffers! (Let’s hope the mail strike will not wreck this)
Something new!!
A new event. This Saturday November 30th, starting at 1.30 pm, Dr. Sydney Siu, our resident
photographer, is going to host an exhibition and sale of his photos. 100 % of the sales money will
be donated, London Food Bank receiving 50 %, St Paul’s Food Bank 25 % and our Breakfast
program 25 %.
We hope everyone can come out and support this unique and generous offer.
Don’t forget the Christmas Tea on 14th December
Tickets are available now from the office, so don’t delay, they have a nasty habit of selling out!
A note for teens, from Sharon:
Rev’d Steve Green is organizing another movie night followed by food and discussion, this
Friday November 29th, beginning at 5.00 pm, until about 8.00 pm., at Holy trinity Church in
Lucan. The Movie will be “Transformers One”, and will be followed by discussions on the
Biblical themes in the movie. There will be pizza!! There may still be time to contact Sharon if
you would like to go, so that enough pizza can be ordered.
2024 Bazaar
The Christmas Bazaar was another great success, and much appreciation to Linda Howard for
coordinating, and everyone who helped in any way.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy birthday! This week to Susan G. (24th November) and Sangeeta R. (30th).
Hope you both had a happy time!
And, congratulations to Janette and Ken N., and Elizabeth and Pete P., who celebrated their
wedding anniversaries on 26th November!