Readings for Sunday 22nd December, Advent 4.
First reading: Micah 5.2-5a
Psalm 80. 1-7,16-18
Second reading: Hebrews 10.5-10
Gospel: Luke 1.39-45
Psalm refrain: “Show us the light of your countenance and we shall be saved”
Link for Sunday 22nd December, 10.00 am service:
Readings for Christmas Eve
First reading: Isaiah 9.2-7
Psalm 98
Second reading: Titus 2.11-14
Gospel: Luke 2.1-14
Psalm refrain: “Ring out with joy for God who comes to judge the Earth”
Please note: The office will be closed from 25th December to 2nd January 2025.
More Christmas stuff
Christmas services
Sunday 22nd December 8.30 and 10.00 am Holy Eucharist
Christmas Eve 6.30 pm Carol singing
7.00 pm The Christ Mass, candle lit.
Sunday 29th December 9.30 am Holy Eucharist
Thank you!! To Christina the Festival Choir and readers for a moving and beautiful performance
of the Christmas Cantata last Sunday. A truly inspirational event to begin the holy and festive
Breakfast program
The next breakfast is this Saturday December 21st . All are welcome to join us!
As Advent continues and we contemplate the possibilities and promise of a new king, all around
us are examples of why we thirst for better days – people living cheque to cheque; others dragging
all their worldly possessions with them so they aren’t stolen; children going to school
underdressed. On the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month, the Church of St. Jude’s offers a
warm, safe space, food to take away, and a bowl of hot oatmeal. At Christmas, we also try to go a
bit further and give those in need a small gift. Throughout this year, the parish of St. Judes’ has
been incredibly generous in their support of this important ministry and we are truly thankful for
your donations.
We served 158 on the Saturday, a new high for us but not really good news as the number who
need help continues to rise.
St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is 12th January 2025.
Fundraising and Social
An invitation. We invite you to “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” on January 18th, 2025, a
potluck dinner and great evening of conversation and story-telling with your parish friends and
perhaps people at church you have not met yet.
Format- a parish family/person hosts 4-8 other parish members in their home. No one knows who
will be showing up until they arrive! The host/hostess provides 1) hors d’oeuvres, and the other 3
individuals/couples who are guests supply either 2) salad and vegetables or 3) main course
or 4) dessert. All participants supply their own alcoholic drinks. Good jokes are always
welcome!. Sign up sheets are available in the Narthex.
And also thanks to Sherry and Derek Shadlock and their host of elves for successful and much
enjoyed Christmas Tea last Saturday.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday!! This week to Doug W. (16th December) and Justin G (18th)
Hope you both had a happy celebration!
And, congratulations to Daphne and Roger R., who celebrated their wedding anniversary on 17th
No Update next week as we take a break over Christmas, but we’ll see you in the New Year.
Meanwhile, we wish each and everyone of you a happy and blessed Christmas!