Readings for Sunday 26th January, Epiphany 3
First reading: Nehemiah 8.1-3,5-6,8-10.
Psalm 19
Second reading: 1 Corinthians 12.12-31a
Gospel: Luke 4.14-21
Livestream link for Sunday 26th January10.00 am service:
The flowers on the altar this week are given by Diane and Jonathan Townsend. On what would
have been her 90th birthday, the family fondly remembers Hennie Cornelius, a loving mother,
grandmother and wife.
Outreach for January.
Socks Share:
We are gathering new socks and underwear for all ages. Suggestion for socks is those with some
wool that last longer than white cotton. Due to need and allergies to wool any donation is
thankfully received. Donations will be blessed during our service.
These will be shared with Unity Project, St. Joseph’s House with CCLC and My Sisters Place.
With a sincere thank-you for helping members of our community.
Breakfast program
These extremely cold days and nights are really dangerous for our unhoused and under housed
community members – we thank you for keeping them in your prayers. We are so glad to be able
to offer food and a warm place to gather for those in need. This past Saturday 146 breakfasts
were served. We see new folks every time – newcomer families, single young men, elderly folks.
Your donations of boots, sweaters, blankets, sleeping bags make it easier for them to brave the
cold – thank you! Our stores of toilet paper and toiletries are getting low so please consider
adding them to your grocery list this month. The next breakfast is Saturday February 1st
from 9 to 10:30 am. All are welcome!
The next breakfast day is Saturday, 1st February.
St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday 9th February.
Fundraising and Social
“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” last Saturday was another great success for all who were
able to take part. Watch for the next opportunity! And many thanks to Cheryle Anne and David
Belford for doing the organizing
Next for your calendars:
It’s time again for St. Jude’s Trivia Night- March 1st, 7 pm. Teams of 6-8 people are welcome
for a night of fun, as they engage the trivia portion of their brains to answer 100 diverse
questions. If you wish to come, but don’t have a full team, please sign up and we will add others
to your group if they are available. Tickets cost $ 20 per person, and are available from Derek
Shadlock and David Belford. Snacks will be provided. There will be a cash bar selling wine and
beer. If you have any questions, please contact the office at 519-660-6198.
Practice question- What is the capital of Papua New Guinea? (actually the questions will not be
that hard!)
The Intrepid Women (IW)of St Jude’s have traditionally gone away for a long winter weekend.
The dates this year are February 21st-24th. We stay in an Air B n B, and sleeping arrangements
may include sharing a bed, being in a bunk bed, both negotiable. Food is shared and prepared in
teams. Spaces are limited and people from previous years have first right of refusal. Each year
the people attending changes. If you would like to join a group of fun loving women for
good/fun conversation, fabulous food options, fellowship, games, campfires, hot tub and.
weather permitting. optional gentle walks, contact the office at 519-660-6198.
Cost/person approx. $200 for 4 days/nights.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday!! This week to Amanda C. (January 20th), Jack B. (21st) and Vikki N. (23rd).Judy B.
(14th January), Faye G. (16th ) and Ray D. (18th). Hope your birthdays are happy and memorable!
And, congratulations to Sangeeta and Rowland R., who celebrate another anniversary on
21st January.