Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Fr. Bill’s powerful sermon from last Sunday bears re-watching, several times, and reflecting on. It can be found on the church’s website, or in YouTube at https://youtu.be/n3-vZirEej0. Words to remember: “How shall we love thee, holy hidden being, If we love not the...
“In love and mercy guide us”

“In love and mercy guide us”

This is the sermon delivered by our rector, Fr Bill Ward, in response to the discovery of the remains of 215 indigenous children in Kamloops. Listen again to the words from that first hymn that Christina sang this morning but this time I invite you to listen to them...
Morning Prayer Service

Morning Prayer Service

Together apart we worship on this 2nd Sunday after Pentecost. The music and Fr Bill’s sermon are calling us to learn and to take action with regards to the systemic injustice which impacts our indigenous brothers and sisters daily. We are silent for 215 seconds...
“Our Hearts Are Broken”

“Our Hearts Are Broken”

The pastoral letter from Bishop Todd on the discovery of the remains of 215 indigenous children in Kamloops this past week. Dear friends, It has been just over a week since the discovery of the bodies of 215 Indigenous children at the site of former Kamloops Indian...